Tucson, AZ – On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson approved the expenditure of $500,000 to assist low income families with much needed childcare. The funds, which are part of the City’s federal allocation for relief due to the COVID‑19 pandemic. Catholic Community Services will administer the funds. “We appreciate the leadership of Mayor and Council in recognizing the importance of early childhood education and the urgent need of families in our community,” said Peg Harmon, CEO.
Before approving the allocation on their consent agenda, Mayor Regina Romero informed the Council that she had been in conversation with members of The Preschool Promise. “For many working families, having reliable and safe childcare, particularly during the pandemic, can be the difference between going back to work or staying home,” said Mayor Regina Romero. “The grants will help low-income families alleviate some of the stress of providing for their families by helping with the cost of childcare.” Even when jobs are re-opened for workers who have previously lost their employment, they may not be able to re-enter the workforce if their children are not in a safe and supportive environment. This allocation will provide families with the support they need to return to work.
The Preschool Promise commends the Mayor and Council for their action and for their support of families in this very difficult time.
The Preschool Promise is a coalition of Pima County residents who are committed to providing quality early childhood education to all three- and four- year-old children. For more information about The Preschool Promise, please visit our website at www.thepreschoolpromise.org.
The Preschool Promise is a project of the Center for Economic Integrity.