Pima County, Ariz. Supervisor Rex Scott (left). Photo by Hector Emanuel
Key Takeaways
Quality early childhood education contributes to better outcomes in social development, health and employment, according to experts, but it comes at a price. The Pima County, Ariz. Board of Supervisors is investing in the future of its community, providing access to high-quality early education for children in families who can’t afford the $800 a month on average it costs to send a child to preschool in the county.
The Pima Early Education Program Scholarships (PEEPS) program functions through a mixed-delivery system, offering free school district preschool classes, Quality First scholarships and extended-day Head Start programming for low-income and middle-class residents in the county. Offering multiple early education options through the program is the best way to cater to the diverse needs of families across Pima County, according to Nicole Scott, who manages the PEEPS program